Wednesday 10 May 2017

On the up...

Another triumph!

I've managed to get a Dahlia through the winter - wonders never cease!

This is a Dahlia that I bought form the National Collection at Varfell Farm last autumn, you can see our trip here. You will notice that I bought two Dahlias, don't ask about the other - it is invisible - like all the Dahlias I've owned before. This is Mount Noddy, a lovely flower but not such a good name

I'm not sure what I did differently this time - I left it in the pot and stacked it with the other one in my mini greenhouse and kept it dryish but not too dry. In other words I by and large forgot about it!

So now it needs watering and a little feeding (although not too much nitrogen otherwise I'll get tonnes of leaves and less flower), plenty of sun and protection from slugs,snails and aphids. Then in late summer I'll have a stunning display. Easy then - what could possibly go wrong!!

Right, now I'm off to bury my Dahlia shoots in slug pellets whilst stroking them and humming a happy tune.

(Don't worry the novelty will wear off and I'll get back to normal soon).

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