Friday 10 January 2014

January, the month of...

In an idle moment, waiting for the rain to stop, I looked back over my posts at this time last year to see what I was up to a whole year ago. Surprise, surprise I was talking New Years Resolutions, that minefield of failure and disappointment. I do it every year - I never learn - and how did I do this year?


1. I did manage to avoid Poinsettias completely this christmas - tick!

2. I did manage to get all my spring bulbs planted on time this year - until I was given some more for Christmas - so now I have some more waiting to be planted! - tick that turned into cross!

3. Impulse buying of plants - well obviously I haven't managed to avoid that. Where is the fun in planning everything and then sticking to the plan? What was I thinking? On the other hand I have managed to avoid a the graveyard of unsuitable/abandoned plants that I had once - cross with an element of tick!

4. My seed planting (and cutting taking) has improved no end - big tick!

5. I did plan my veg garden better - and we did eat all our produce. Didn't manage the year long successional thing but had things to eat from June to now, so respectable for only the second year of my veg bed - tick!

6. Shed discipline - as I predicted didn't happen - big cross!

So all in all not a bad success rate, and the failures were predictable (and indeed predicted)

I am avoiding the whole resolution thing this year - I can't take the pressure. The one thing I am going to try is to increase the year round colour and interest in my garden. I'm not making any promises though - that would be resolution-ish. To this end I though I would try and post something providing colour in my garden each week. This will build up a list of 52 plants as a starting point that I can build on. (It's possible that I might have had this idea previously and didn't carry it through but I know you won't hold that against me!)

So, look out for number 1 this weekend (now I have to find something - eek!)

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