Monday 23 September 2013

Fruit Harvest Part 1

This is the harvest from my rescue pear tree. 

A Williams Pear, it was saved from a photographers studio in London. I found it looking sad in a dark corner having been bought to provide some leaves for a fruit shoot. I bought it back to Cornwall on the train (I got some interesting looks, and no it didn't need a ticket) and planted it last summer. It looked very peaky last autumn but this year, after a bit of feeding and care, it had lots of blossom, much of which set fruit. I removed two thirds of the baby pears, a heavy crop would have stressed a little (it's only 6 foot tall) and slightly delicate tree too much. I was expecting that some of the fruit left would drop before maturity, but no! They have ripened and tonight we will enjoy our first pears - they smell delicious! 

Next I will harvest my apples - also rescued from the same photographers studio!

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